Kate Walmsley
4 min readSep 3, 2019



We hear so many people talk about living their best lives and speaking their truth.

In this trending wave of entrepreneurs’ and soul seekers I have myself asking, what is it to live your best life? And why does everyone want to only focus on their truth.

What about our truth? Society’s truth, the earths truth….

I find myself torn between emotions when I think of the state of us.

I understand the importance of self-acceptance and love; I am on my own journey to regain this after years of self-torture and outside abuse.

I understand the hardships that go with trying to make it in a world and city so financially unforgiving when you don’t feel like you have it in you anymore to try.

I understand the importance of building yourself up with self-love and admiration after someone or something has left you broken.

I understand this all, I am proud and happy to see people achieve these feats.

I do not however understand how so many truth-seeking creators stop with just them.

I know what you’re thinking… “but Kate, they are finding their tribe” and yes, I agree it is important to be with like-minded and positive humans who build you instead of breaking you. But, is that not just us looking to others to validate our “truth” through each other? And more so is the journey to truth not to admire yourself for exactly who you are without the need of the phrase of others?

I suppose I find myself lost with this, I know why a tribe is important and I myself want to belong somewhere, I want to feel connected to others and have love.

I don’t know what living your best life is unless I’m saying it jokingly, I’m not sure why we are so hyper focused on telling everyone we are.

I find it somewhat exhausting to be human lately.

I feel like unless you are showing off or being loud on every form of social media you don’t matter or you are not worthy of a tribe. I know that sounds silly, but it’s truly how I feel lately…

I don’t even think we as people are doing this on purpose anymore, it’s almost become this subconscious human behavioral trend …to be scared of not being consistently relevant.

I suppose part of my own journey in speaking my truth will be understanding I fit between the lines and not on the page. I suppose I’m realizing my brain will never be able to talk my heart and soul into being anything but deep and that most people do not live so forth right or existential.

Lately my version of “living my best life” is honestly just getting up and trying.

Day after day, trying to find solace is the chaos, finding similar souls that search for meaning within meaning so I may Speak without fear of being misunderstood… to leave a legacy not financially but emotionally… falling in love.

I don’t have any of these yet but I’m still living my best life … which is funny to say when I’m not living any sort of luxurious lifestyle at the moment … in fact I am job hunting, moved back in with my parents, single and periodically lonely.

I guess my point is we sort of took something personal and sacred, like living and turned it into the most impersonal entity we could, competition.

I don’t understand why living our best life is something we decide to throw in each other faces or when finding your truth just turned into another way to project but it doesn’t seem to be slowing down.

I guess I’m trying to understand what the point of all this is, why we live so aggressively online when we are surrounded by each other in flesh.

Someone recently told me it’s been proven historically that the destruction of a society starts when its people begin to glorify basic human needs by marketing them as a status based on monetary value.

When you make humans feel as though they are not even worthy of such basics as food, shelter and water then you have broken the connection to the earth and to each other.

Where do we go from here? Why are we forcing ourselves to live harder in the future so we may feel special in a moment?

I ask you, what is your truth and how does it add or bring value to the earth…not just you or your friends, the actual earth that created you.

How do we expect to live in harmony and happiness with each other if we do not even appreciate the abundance we come from and have already created around us?

When will being human just enough to be special?

When will living your best life just mean waking up and being alive?

When will our truths be more than what we did on Instagram or where and how we live?

When will we realize the people who need the most help and love are those who cannot afford cell phones and most likely do not have the access to the internet?

When will we really start doing something that matters?

When will we start to slow down?

When will we realize none of this or us really truly matter and when will that truth stop scaring us so much?.




Kate Walmsley

These are excerpts from my soul. These are moments of pain, self harm and survival shared through poetry, spoken word & life stories. With love, Kate.